Quality Management
HAYSYS operates a Quality Management System (QMS) that has been externally accredited to meeting the full requirements of ISO9001:2015. You can trust our quality.
You can download our certificate below.
The Quality Management system, designed and operated by HAYSYS Limited, has been accredited as fully meeting the requirements of BS EN ISO9001:2015 with no exclusions and contiues to be maintained.
The scope of our Quality Management system, as worded on our certificate is:
“Supply of electronic hardware and software design service, and associated material, for both new and existing designs including digital, programmable logic and microprocessor based designs. Supply of electronic hardware and associated materials in support of new and existing hardware. Support of existing designs through Post Design Services (PDS) and hardware repair services.”
We are fully committed to our Quality Policy and this is communicated to all external parties as shown below:
- To provide products and services that are fully compliant with all regulatory and product specifications.
- To provide products and services that are consistent in function, reliability and delivery.
- To achieve zero defects throughout production.
- To engage everybody’s commitment across the complete value chain and at all levels of our organisation