HAYSYS Limited

About Us

Formed in 1999 and based in Cardiff, South Wales in the United Kingdom, HAYSYS provides design services, support services and our growing product portfolio.

Company Profile

HAYSYS is a business that has been providing Electronic Engineering services for over 20 years.  In this time the company has continued to grow, and in addition to our success in the Air Traffic Management sector, diversifying to include products and services provided to the Electricity Network Distribution sector.

Our flagship system is our Direction Finding System, that has been designed specifically for the world-wide Air Traffic Control (ATC) market and has been installed at both Military and Civil Airports in the UK, Europe and world-wide.

HAYSYS also provides the Auto-Triangulation system, that provides an Emergency Position fixing service for all aircraft in the UK Airspace.

HAYSYS Ltd has invested heavily in the very latest design tools in order to maintain its state-of-the-art design capabilities in all it’s lines of business.